Since 2003, with all our dedication, we produce organic wines. We therefore use mostly typical tuscan varieties and only some international ones. The first category is surely leaded by the Sangiovese; 70% of our red grapes are Sangiovese-grapes. Second place for the Colorino-grapes, again a local variety even though less known. Between the white varieties, it's the Vermentino at the top, followed by the Trebbiano - both Tuscans through and through.
In the second category, the international grapes, there is Syrah as our third red variety and Sauvignon, our white intruder.
All those grapes grow on nine hectars of vinyards, placed all over the hill, and lead to different results. Every part of every vinyard has its characteristics and peculiarities; therefore the havests get vinified seperately and later on, with the expert hand of our winemaker Attilio Paglio, blended harmonically. That's the reason for our nine different lables: every grape, thanks to nature, has it's value and we try to accentuate this.